Instagram is an online social media platform for sharing videos and photos with users’ followers. It was launched in 2010 by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger and now Instagram is owned by Meta. It is one of the most used social media platforms with more than 2 billion usersStill, there are a lot of technical glitches or issues that users encounter and among them, the most common is the “couldn’t refresh feed”. So, to bail you out of this issue we made a complete guide answering “How To Fix Instagram Couldn’t Refresh Feed” which will answer all your queries in a brief only. 

Advantages of Instagram

Instagram is a beneficial app for both personal users and businessmen. The following are the advantages of Instagram

advantages of Instagram
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  1. Virtual storytelling: Instagram is a social media platform for entertaining users and it also helps in virtual storytelling which means you can share your experiences and thoughts about a particular thing online. 
  2. Making online friends: This platform is used for connection building and making new and virtual friends.
  3.  Promoting and building a brand: It is used for promoting online businesses and also small online stores and brands. Influencers can collaborate with the brand to promote a particular brand and can generate revenue from collaboration. 
  4. Helping Small Businesses: Instagram also inspected various other users to start their small businesses and promote them. 

Disadvantages of Instagram

As we know everything has its pros and cons. Instagram also has some disadvantages and to know about them specifically, read the below shared points:

disadvantages of Instagram
Image credits: Tom’s Guide
  1. Comparison: It creates a comparison between 2 people and this lets down their strength and confidence of growing. 
  2. Addictive: This app is really addictive to the younger generation causing various health problems and mental issuesThis makes the user to neglect their personal life. 
  3. Privacy concerns: This app requires your details for logging in also sharing your personal photos and videos might be an issue of concern for someone. 
  4. Cyberbullying and hacking: Sometimes fake accounts can hack your account and use your personal photos for misleading content. It can also be a cause of harassment. 

How To Fix Instagram Couldn’t Refresh Feed?

Instagram is an online platform that might cause a glitch or a bug sometimes which results in various issues including the “couldn’t refresh feed” one. So, to know about some easy tips and tricks of “how to fix Instagram couldn’t refresh feed”, follow the below-shared points: 

how to fix Instagram couldn't refresh feed
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1. Check your internet connection: For using any social media platform having a high-speed internet connection is a must. If your internet speed is not up to date it might show an error and will not be able to refresh your feed. 

2. Update your device: Instagram requires time to time update. If your version is not updated, try updating your app from the Play Store or Appstore. 

3. Try rebooting your device: This can clear software glitches if there are any and then try restarting the Instagram app. 

4. Clear cache: For this, you just need to delete all the extra and temporary Instagram files that are not required and consuming your space. 

5. Reinstall the app: Reinstalling your Instagram application is an optional step. You can try it only if all the above methods are not working. 

6. Check server issues: If the Instagram server is down, it will not be able to refresh your feed. So, wait for a while or until the server issue is fixed. Once done, you are again free to scroll effortlessly. 

7. Log in and log out: Try logging in and logging out again as sometimes it might refresh the app and solve the glitches automatically.  

8. Check the date and time: If the date and time are not up to date it can cause an error. So, make sure to fix this issue and check whether the issue is resolved or not. 

9. Report: The last and final option is that you can report an issue to the Instagram service center from the app. Doing this can resolve the issue from the roots only. 


Q. Why I’m not able to refresh my feed? 

A. There are various reasons for this error including weak internet, app not updating on time, temporary glitch, or issue with the server. 

Q. How To Fix Instagram Couldn’t Refresh Feed?

A. Some of the easiest and quickest answers of “How to fix Instagram couldn’t refresh feed” includes re-login, re-installing the app, clear cache, reboot the device, report the issue, fix the date and time, update the device, check the internet connection, and check the server issue are a few tips and tricks that can help you with fixing Instagram couldn’t refresh feed issue. 

Q. Are there any precautions for the future to prevent this error?

AKeeping your app updated and your internet connection stable are the two most important precautions to follow every time to avoid any sort of technical glitch. 


Above we shared a brief guide answering “How To Fix Instagram Couldn’t Refresh Feed” along with its other aspects such as advantages and disadvantages which might have helped you in understanding this topic far better. I hope you got the right solution for your issue and if still it is not resolved, or you have any other solution then o let us know about the same through the box mentioned below.

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